Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Factors For Using Colonics pertaining to Cancer

The American eating habits - loaded with manufactured food products, fatty foods, sodium, bleached breads, artificial additives, and synthetic colorings - simply leaves the colon slow or stopped up and stressed out. Undigested foods within the bowel might ferment and putrefy, promoting microbial growth and unhealthy toxins. Add to that the continual deficit of physical exercise as well as never drinking adequate fluids and the outcome is constipation or even looseness of the bowels.

Colon Hydrotherapy relieves blockage in the bowel, promotes favorable intestinal flora, and also removes toxins from  your system to enhance your overall health. After having a colonic, most people claim sense of lightness in body as well as in spirit, cleansed, clear headed, healthier, or even euphoric. Other sorts of benefits associated with colonics normally include much less head aches, improved mental clarity, improved weight management, and reduced abdominal cramping pains, rheumatoid arthritis, and hypersensitivity.

The colonic treatment consists of insertion of a non reusable speculum attached to a hose into your rectum and then the release of a remedy, typically composed of warm water or water and baking soda, to purge out the digestive tract and upper bowel. The colon is flushed regularly to carefully loosen waste materials and eliminate harmful toxins.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Colon Hydrotherapy Benifits to Individuals with Cancer

Colonic Hydrotherapy, also referred to as Colonic Irrigation, is really an all-natural approach to improve health and good sense of  clean and healthy living. Colon therapy has been utilized for hundreds of years by European, Middle Eastern, and Asian folks for private refinement, overall health, as well as spiritual pursuits. Nowadays, it's used in alternative also natural treatment options regarding cancer therapy, yeast infection as well as constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and also to alleviate pain during labor and childbirth.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Hydrotherapy: Non-pharmacologic Pain Management in Cancer Patients

Hydrotherapy has many medically accepted uses. It involves in using water as a form of ice, liquid or steam. Hydrotherapy has also been proven helpful in many ways like making a person relax or alleviate minor aches and pain. However, there is no evidence that any form of hydrotherapy can treat or prevent cancer.
The most common uses of hydrotherapy include using water in wound cleaning, ice packs, steam baths or hot springs, warm moist compresses and drinking water to rehydrate our body.

Colon Cleansing : Risk and Complications

Normally, the human body removes waste material without any intervention. But in a hospital setting especially before a surgical operation or a colonoscopy, colon cleansing is usually prescribed as a preparatory intervention. A common complication if colon cleansing is that it disrupts the balance of bacteria and natural chemicals in the bowel and may interfere with the shedding of dead cells.

Colon Cleansing

Colon cleansing (also referred to as colon therapy) incorporates a number of alternate medical therapies designed to get rid of waste material as well as nonspecific unhealthy toxins from your digestive tract and colon. Colon cleansing normally takes the type of colon hydrotherapy (also known as a colonic or colonic irrigation) or oral detoxing regimens which include health supplements. During the 2000s online marketing as well as commercials of colon dietary supplements improved.

Care of the Mouth

The care given to the mouth of a sick person.

1.  To maintain good condition of the mouth and teeth.
2.  To prevent the spread of disease, increase appetite and comfort of the patient.
3.  To prevent sores and mucous ulcerations.
4.  To foster habits of personal hygiene.
5.  To maintain general health and vitality of the body.
6.  To strengthen self-respect with the feeling of cleanliness.

1. For bed patient:
a)  Toothbrush (with soft bristles) and toothpaste.
b)  Glass of water.
c)  Small basin or small can.
d)  Towel.
e)  Tissue paper.
f)  Straws.
2.   For helpless patient:

Baby's Tub Bath

A full immersion bath to refresh and clean the baby.
1.   Cleansing.
2.   Refreshing.
3.   Sedative effect.

1.   Newborn babies whose navels are healed and dried.
2.   Healthy babies up to 1 year old.
3.   It is best to give baby's tub bath at about the same time
                everyday, before the mid-morning feeding.

Baby's Sponge Bath

A bath given to a baby before he gets a full tub or when baby cannot
take a full tub bath.

1.  Cleanses baby's body.
2.   Refreshes the baby.
3.   Lowers body temperature.

1.  When the baby's navel is not yet healed and dried.
2.   When the baby is sick and tub bath is not advised.
3.  When circumcision is not yet healed.


Alcohol Rub

The application of alcohol to a patient's body by rubbing with bare hands of one giving the rub.

1.  Stimulates blood vessels.
2.   Lowers body temperature.
3.   Reduces sweating.
4.   Prevents chilling.
5.   Refreshes patient when bath is not given.
6.   Protects pressure areas by the astringent effect on the skin.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Hydrotherapy means treatment with the use of water in any of its three states; solid (ice); liquid (running water); and gaseous (steam). The most useful state is the liquid state. Water has therapeutic value when its temperature differs from the body temperature, thus changing the physiological stability of the body.
Normally, the body temperature is more or less 98F. Under normal atmospheric temperature and pressure, the healthy human body maintains uniform physiological functions. To preserve uniform

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Water and its Therapeutic Qualities

                There are few therapeutic agents that have been used continuously and extensively, and virtually is the same form, as water. History and methodology are both liberally sprinkled with stores about the effects of water or the bath. In the Bible, a number of cases of miraculous cures had been closely associated with the use of water.
                Water, in addition to being essential to life, is also a source of pleasure. Water at the “right” temperature, in pure form, or with varying amounts of dissolve or suspended substances have been used externally or internally since recorded time, by kings and peasands and by physicians and unqualified healers, to improve health.